Start with a Scribble will banish your inner critic and kick-start your inner genius, as you learn to draw with a little how-to and a lot of just-do. An artist-quality pen and watercolor pencils (red and black) are included. Inside, you’ll find:
- Prompts to inspire you (e.g., “emotional rabbits”)
- Doodles to finish (“Mrs. Thudkins takes her floppaterasis for a walk”)
- Techniques to try (only when the mood strikes you), from shading to perspective
- And plenty of wide-open space to play around in.
We’re much less interested in the appearance of something than in the something itself. So, when you’ve settled on your subject (a monster? a cockatoo?), first figure out what its essence should be (ferocious? bashful?) . . . and then, just toss that ball up (artistically speaking) and give it a good swat across the net. Voilà! You’re an artist.
Throughout, beloved illustrator Sir Quentin Blake shares sage advice, from “it’s best to name your animal after you draw it” to “don’t worry too much yet about ankles.” The most important lesson? Let go and give in to your own creative spirit!