QMx Suicide Squad Lapel Pins Set 3

QMx Suicide Squad Lapel Pins Set 3

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QMx Suicide Squad Lapel Pins Set 3


  • Includes three 1.5 inch pins
  • RICK FLAG - This elite soldier working for Task Force X began his career as a fighter pilot and is the son of Rick Flag Sr., who led the Suicide Squadron during World War II
  • HARLEY QUINN - Driven to madness by the controlling Joker, this psychotic psychiatrist devotes herself to creating bloody chaos. Energetic and affable, she's as beguiling as she is deranged
  • SLIPKNOT - A master of ropes and knots, Slipknot once worked as chemist Christopher Weiss. He developed a chemical adhesive that makes his ropes virtually indestructible