Critical and Creative Thinking Activities, Grade 6

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Engage your grade 6+ students in thinking skills practice with Critical and Creative Thinking Activities! 140+ pages of fun, imaginative activities motivate students as they practice thinking in multiple ways about a variety of curriculum and theme-based topics.

"We must empower students to become creative thinkers, critical thinkers, and problem solvers—people who are continually learning and who can apply their new knowledge to complex, novel, open-ended challenges." - Educational Leadership, Summer 2008, Volume 65

Engage your grade 6+ students in thinking skills practice with Critical and Creative Thinking Activities!140+ pages of fun, imaginative activities motivate students as they practice thinking in multiple ways about a variety of curriculum and theme-based topics.

46 theme-based units make it easy to find activities that fit your core curriculum:
• Places:
In My Room, At the Dinner Table, Outer Space, In the Wilderness, Eating Out, At the Movies, At the Mall, U.S. Landmarks, On the Bus, Mythical Worlds
• Nature in Action:
Rivers and Streams, Rough Weather, Sharks, Bats, Arachnids, Predators and Prey, So Cute!, Reptiles
• History and Beyond:
Ancient Egypt, The Middle Ages, When in Rome, Pioneer Days, Into the Future
• Technology:
The Internet, Cell Phones, From Here to There, Robots, Invention Convention
• Things I Use:
Clocks and Calendars, My Clothes, Say Cheese!, Numbers, Glue and Tape, Video Games, Maps and Globes
• In My World:
Tunes, Surprise!, Super Size It, Friends, Holidays, Planet Earth, Nighttime, My Birthday, Bells and Whistles, Now You're Cookin', Leaders and Followers

This resource contains teacher support pages, reproducible student pages, and an answer key.