Help your students explore the landforms, political divisions, and culture of Australia and Oceania! The 7 Continents: Australia and Oceania helps students develop geography literacy while they learn about the unique characteristics of Australia.
Common Core Top Pick for Reading Literature and Informational Text
• Key Ideas and Details
• Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
• Range of Reading and level of Text Complexity
Develop geography literacy while learning about the unique characteristics of Australia and Oceania!.
The 7 Continents: Australia and Oceania helps students learn about Australia and Oceania through engaging reading and writing activities.
Five geography units cover the following standards-based topics:
Section 1: Australia and Oceania in the World
Introduces students to the location of Australia and Oceania in the world.
• Australia and Oceania's Relative Location
• Australia and Oceania's Hemispheres
• Australia and Oceania's Absolute Location
• Using a Projection Map
Section 2: Political Divisions of Australia and Oceania
Introduces students to the four regions and 14 countries of Australia and Oceania.
• Population of Australia and Oceania
• Countries of Australia and Oceania
• Largest Countries by Area
• Smallest Countries by Area
• Largest Countries by Population
• Dependent Territories
• Australia
• Melanesia
• Micronesia
• Polynesia
• Capital Cities
Section 3: Physical Features of Australia and Oceania
Students learn about the landforms and bodies of water of Australia and Oceania.
• Landscapes of Australia and Oceania
• Mountain Ranges
• Deserts of Australia
• Rainforests
• Islands of Oceania
• The Great Barrier Reef
• Uluru
• Bodies of Water
• Australia's Lakes
• Australia's Rivers
• New Zealand's Fjords
Section 4: Valuable Resources of Australia and Oceania
Students learn about the various natural resources of Australia and Oceania.
• Coal in Australia
• Hydroelectricity in New Zealand
• Mining Metals and Minerals
• Agriculture in Australia
• Sheep Farming
• Fishing in Oceania
• Oceania Tourism
• Unique Wildlife
Section 5: Australina and Oceanian Culture
Introduces students to the beliefs and traditions of the people of Australia and Oceania.
• Australia and Oceania's Tourist Attractions
• Arts and Entertainment in Australia and Oceania
• Major Religions of Australia and Oceania
• Native Cultures of Australia and Oceania
• Australian and Oceanian Cuisine
• Celebrations of Australia and Oceania
This resource contains teacher support pages, reproducible student pages, and an answer key.